Pihak Microsoft akhirnya mengeluarkan Service Pack 2 pada hari Selasa lalu untuk paket aplikasi Office 2007 melalui berbagai sumber unduh yang ada di jaringan atau situs mereka. Para pengguna Office 2007 di seluruh dunia telah menanti rilis paket update besar kedua ini yang dijanjikan terdapat peningkatan dari sisi fungsionalitas, performa, dan stabilitas. Yang menarik dari update kali ini adalah Microsoft akhirnya memasukkan ODF (Open Document Format) atau format dokumen terbuka dan PDF (Portable Document Format), tentunya hal ini akan semakin menambah lengkap dukungan format file dokumen yang bisa dibuka melalui aplikasi Office 2007.Perbaikan Signifikan di Outlook 2007
SP2 membawa 600 lebih perbaikan terhadap bug dan peningkatan kinerja yang paling signifikan dihadirkan untuk aplikasi Microsoft Outlook. Peningkatan kecepatan menjadi 26 persen lebih cepat didalam melakukan tugas umum dalam mengelola email dan pengguna akan dapat merasakan pengalaman menggunakan Outlook yang lebih gegas dalam meluncurkan aplikasi, melakukan sinkronisasi dan pencarian. Perbaikan terhadap akses IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) yang lambat juga akan mempercepat akses bagi pengguna layanan email GMail di Outlook melalui IMAP. Untuk akses POP (Post Office Protocol), Outlook sekarang tidak lagi mengunduh email yang paling lama, tapi sebaliknya akan mengunduh email yang tanggalnya paling baru terlebih dahulu. Beberapa bug yang berkaitan dengan bug RSS fedd di Outlook 2007 juga sudah diperbaiki.
Di bagian server, para profesional TI akan menyadari beberapa peningkatan keamanan dan kinerja dari aplikasi SharePoint Server 2007, termasuk dukungan untuk konten basisi data yang read-only, peningkatan untuk proses otentifikasi berbasis form, dan disertakannya sebuah STSADM, yaitu utilitas command-line yang memungkinkan pihak administrator untuk melakukan pemindaian terhadap error/ kesalahan pada situs. Dan yang terakhir dukungan SharePoint Server untuk browser terbaru Firefox.
Bagi pengguna Office versi lama yang bergantung pada aplikasi pembaca dokumen dalam format khusus (docx, xlsx, dan pptx) seperti Word 2007 Viewer, Excel 2007 Viewer, dan Powerpoint 2007 Viewer. SP2 ini juga memiliki perbaikan dan pembaharuan bagi tiga untuk aplikasi pembaca dokumen tersebut.Dukungan ODF = Kemenangan Komunitas Opensource
Dengan menginstal Service Pack 2 ini ke dalam Office 2007 Anda maka Anda dapat membuka/membaca, sekaligus membuat/ menulis dan menyimpan dokumen dalam format ODF dan PDF tanpa perlu plugin ataupun aplikasi tambahan yang mendukung format tersebut seperti contohnyaOpenOffice. Format ODF ini sendiri terdiri dari tiga tipe, yaitu ODT (Open Document Text ), ODS (Open Document Spreadsheet), dan ODP (Open Document Presentations). Format ini beanr-benar didukung penuh oleh Microsoft sehingga Anda bisa mengatur ODF agar dijadikan format standar setiap kali Anda menyimpan file dokumen melalui aplikasi Word, Excel dan Powerpoint di Office 2007.
Keputusan Microsoft ini tak pelak lagi membaut gembira Aliansi ODF (ODF Alliance) atau para pendukung format terbuka. Direktur Aliansi ODF, Marino Marcich mengatakan, "Ini adalah suatu kemenangan bagi ODF, sekaligus menandakan sebuah perubahan keputusan dari Microsoft yang pada awal peluncuran Officce 2007 menolak dukungan terhadap format ini."
Di sisi lain alasan Microsoft untuk memberi dukungan format terbuka ini ke dalam aplikasi mereka dikarenakan banyaknya pelanggan/ pengguna Office 2007 terutama kalangan korporasi yang beralih ke aplikasi sejenis yang opensource dan kalangan pemerintahan banyak membuat kebijakan agar menggunakan format dokumen opensource di seluruh istansi. Aplikasi opensource kebanyakan sudah memiliki dukungan format dokumen yang luas termasuk mendukung format milik aplikasi Microsoft Office. Tren ekonomi yang sedang lesu membuat banyak pihak beralih ke solusi yang lebih hemat biaya dan itu ditawarkan oleh aplikasi opensource. Tidak mau pelanggannya lebih banyak lagi yang berpindah ke produk milik pesaing sehingga Microsoft menambahkan dukungan format ODF ke dalam Office dan supaya bisa tetap bersaing dukungan format PDF atau XPS juga ikut dimasukkan dalam bentuk add-in.
Jadi siapakah yang sebenarnya paling diuntungkan? Yang pasti dalam hal ini pengguna Office 2007 sangat diuntungkan. Mereka tidak perlu lagi memenuhi ruang penyimpanan dengan menginstal aplikasi terpisah untuk mendukung format tertentu, dan yang paling menguntungkan Anda tidak perlu membeli aplikasi pembuat PDF seperti Adobe Acrobat yang harganya mulai dari $299 atau aplikasi lain semacamnya. Upgrade SP2 dengan gratis dan sekligus bisa menghemat uang Anda.
Anda bisa melihat daftar perbaikan, perubahan dan penambahan yang dibawa oleh Service Pack 2 untuk tiap-tiap aplikasi di dalam paket Office 2007 secara lengkap dengan mengunduh dokumen dalaam bentuk Excel ini.
Jika Anda pengguna Office 2007, untuk mendapatkan update ini dengan mudah bisa melalui Windows Update - Automatic Update (sekitar 28 Juli) yang akan membantu Anda dalam mengunduh dan menginstal paket tersebut yang ukuran totalnya 290 MB. Jika tidak ingin mengaktifkan Windows Update silakan unduh langsung paketnya melalui situs Microsoft Download Center - href=" http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=B444BF18-79EA-46C6-8A81-9DB49B4AB6E5&displaylang=en">The 2007 Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 2 (SP2)
Link unduh lainnya untuk Office 2007 SP2 dari situs Download.com - http://download.cnet.com/2007-Microsoft-Office-Suite-Service-Pack-2-SP2/3000-18483_4-10914017.html
source: udaramaya.com
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Office 2007 Service Pack 2 Sudah Siap Download dan Dukung PDF & ODF
Posted by Maulana Aji Marwanto at Tuesday, May 19, 2009 0 commentsSaturday, May 16, 2009
Make our face photo attractive in many location
Posted by Maulana Aji Marwanto at Saturday, May 16, 2009 0 commentsHi guys, do you have your father, mother, sister, brother, girl/boy friends face phot and you want to edit that's photo but lack of ability to use photoshop software??
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About photo edit :)
Posted by Maulana Aji Marwanto at Saturday, May 16, 2009 0 commentshehehe

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
How 10 iconic tech product get their name
Posted by Maulana Aji Marwanto at Tuesday, May 12, 2009 0 commentsCreating a product or service is not extraordinary enough to win in the market at this time-period. Products or services must also have a unique name, easy to remember, and, of course, give added value to the products or services sold. Then, is difficult to specify the product name? During Apple's MP3 player development, Steve Jobs spoke of Apple's strategy: the Mac as a hub to other gadgets. Vinnie Chieco, a freelance copywriter Apple hired to help name the gadget before its debut in 2001, fixed on that idea, according to Wired. He brainstormed hubs of all kinds, eventually coming to the concept of a spaceship. You could leave it, but you'd have to return to refuel. The stark plastic front of the prototype inspired the final connection: pod, a la 2001. Add an "i" and the connection to the iMac was complete. Canada's Research in Motion called on Lexicon Branding to help name its new wireless e-mail device in 2001. The consultancy pushed RIM founders away from the word "e-mail," which research shows can raise blood pressure. Instead, they looked for a name that would evoke joy and somehow give feelings of peace. After someone made the connection that the small buttons on the device resembled a bunch of seeds, Lexicon's team explored names like strawberry, melon and various vegetables before settling on blackberry—a word both pleasing and which evoked the black color of the device. Choosing a name that evokes a product's essence and is available can be quite complicated, as the Mozilla folks found out. The early version of Mozilla's browser was called Firebird, but due to another open-source project with the same name, the Mozilla elders renamed their browser Firefox, which is another name for red panda. Why? "It's easy to remember. It sounds good. It's unique. We like it," they said. Best of all? Nobody else was using it. When cofounder Biz Stone saw the application that Jack Dorsey created in 2006 he was reminded of the way birds communicate: "Short bursts of information...Everyone is chirping, having a good time." In response, Stone came up with "twttr," and the group eventually added some vowels. It's hard to think of a more evocative name in the tech world than twitter, but what began as what Stone described as "trivial" bursts of communication developed into a powerful means of networking, breaking news, and a forum for the 44th U.S. president's campaign. While Microsoft's next OS has kind of a "ho-hum" name, one has only to look at what happened with the most recent Windows release to understand why Microsoft might have gone back to a tried-and-true naming philosophy: Vista? Ouch. Windows 95 and XP? Those have done much better. Microsoft's Mike Nash announced the name this way: "Simply put, this is the seventh release of Windows, so therefore 'Windows 7' just makes sense." We're betting that Microsoft execs are hoping that number 7 will deliver on its promise of luck—they could sure use a win after Vista. The venerable line of PC notebooks rolled onto the scene in 1992. While the concept was spot on, there was turmoil at IBM as to what to call it. IBM's pen-computing group wanted to keep it simple; they liked ThinkPad. But IBM's corporate naming committee didn't—it didn't have a number, and every IBM product had to have a number, and how would ThinkPad translate into other languages? Due to the chutzpah of the IBMer who unveiled it, ThinkPad won out, and it was a huge hit for IBM, which eventually sold it to Lenovo in 2005. You'd think the story behind the naming of the Open Handset Alliance's new open-source platform for mobile devices, which includes the brand-new G1 loaded with Google's goodies, would be cool. But, uh, not so much. Back in 2005, Google quietly acquired a mysterious startup named Android Inc., which had been operating under "a cloak of secrecy" on "making software for mobile phones," reported Businessweek. The result of all Google's secrecy and Internet hype was the debut of T-Mobile's G1 on Oct. 22, 2008. According to Wikipedia, the name Wikipedia is a portmanteau of wiki (a technology for creating collaborative Web sites) and encyclopedia (you remember, those large books that, as kids, we ruthlessly plagiarized for school book reports). FYI, a portmanteau is a fancy way of saying that we're going to take two words, jam them together, and (hopefully) create a new concept that people will love. So far, so good. In an illustration of the axiom, "the more things change, the more they stay the same," kids and adults now ruthlessly plagiarize Wikipedia instead of encyclopedias. Apple's popular Mac operating system X actually denotes the Roman numeral for 10, since it is the OS's tenth release, following Mac OS 9. To the ire of Apple fanboys, many people do refer to it as the letter "X." More interesting have been the "big cat" code names assigned to each succeeding X release that have stuck with Apple's marketing: Cheetah (10.0), Puma, Jaguar, Panther, Tiger, and the current kitty, Leopard. Snow Leopard has been assigned for the 10.6 release, with rumors that Lynx and Cougar are in the works. Cofounder Bob Young (pictured) has given multidimensional origins of the red fedora name: 1. It was named after red, which in Western history is "the symbol of liberation and challenge of authority." 2. Cofounder Marc Ewing wore his grandfather's red Cornell lacrosse hat in college and became known for his tech expertise—those with problems went to see the guy in the red hat. 3. Ewing named his software projects Red Hat 1, Red Hat 2 and so on. "So, when he started his Linux project, he just named it Red Hat Linux," Young said. All righty then! source: http://www.pcworld.com/printable/article/id,164140/printable.html
Ok let's check the 10 names that's already familiar at our ear ;)iPod: 'Open the pod bay door, Hal'
BlackBerry: Sweet Addictiveness
Firefox: Second Time's a Charm
Twitter: Connecting the Digital Flock 140 Characters at a Time
Windows 7: Counting on the Power of 7
ThinkPad: Simplicity Wins Out
Android: Secretive, But Still Not Exciting
Wikipedia: Just What It Sounds Like
Mac OS X and 'The Big Cats': Catlike Sleekness and Style
Red Hat Linux: A Name Rich with Meaning